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To the right is a very recognisable Grey-Green that depicts the company through the latter part of the 1970s and into the 1980s, a Duple Dominant Two, here with Leyland Leopard running gear, or on other occasions Bedford YMT coupled to the self-same body.   outside of me when you're done and any changes will be saved.R

Normally, one associates the image on the left hand side as the signage from decades ago concerning one of the many stops that Grey-Green made, although not for one minute were many of these "planted" in every conceivable point that Grey-Green dropped and picked up. I am now up to 107 pages but wish to have a number more for the finished book. This comes as a A4 softbound binding, printed on high quality paper and wraparound cover. There are plenty of  pictures along with corresponding text and draws on my observations from being a "neighbour" as well as a company that some of the time were in competition in work for many years although this seemed to contract  in the latter stages of the 1980s.

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